Feb 28, 2013

Toy de Jour (247) - Gormiti #27 The Incandescent Phantom

Incandescent Phantom? More like George, the Melty.

Feb 27, 2013

Toy de Jour (246) - Gormiti #26 Mindswallower, the Mystic

We're watching Supernatural and someone just got their throat cut and they bled out into a cup. Nasty. This guy is cool.

Feb 26, 2013

Toy de Jour (245) - Gormiti #25 The Thoughtcatcher

I would have loved to be in the Krangstorming (I'm trying to start a new term) meeting when they were coming up with names. I'd also like to see the names they rejected. Waffle, the Syruper!

Feb 25, 2013

Toy de Jour (244) - Gormiti #24 The Magic Lookout

OMG she's my favorite so far! Clear parts!? Magic Lookout!? Awesome!